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Subject: Re: [ublas] size1 and size2
From: Marco Guazzone (marco.guazzone_at_[hidden])
Date: 2009-09-10 03:51:03
On Wed, Sep 9, 2009 at 11:13 PM, Gunter Winkler <guwi17_at_[hidden]> wrote:
> Marco Guazzone schrieb:
>> Dear all,
>> Just for curiosity...
>> Why does ublas use names such as "size1" and "size2" instead of
>> something more intuitive (IMO) like "n_rows" and "n_columns"?
> because of historical design decisions of the original authors. Now we
> keep it for compatibility - that's life ;-)
Ohhh ok! :)
Maybe adding inline methods and free functions with more user-friendly
names like the ones below could be a good idea and does not break
--- [code] ---
// in matrix.hpp
template<...> class matrix:...
size_type n_rows() const { return size1_; }
size_type n_columns() const { return size2_; }
// same for the other types
// in detail/raw.hpp
template <typename M>
int n_rows(M const& m ) { return m.n_rows(); }
template <typename M>
int n_columns( M const& m) { return m.n_columns(); }
template <typename M>
int n_rows(matrix_reference<M> const& m) { return n_rows(m.expression()); }
template <typename M>
int n_columns(matrix_reference<M> const& m ) { return
n_columns(m.expression()); }
--- [/code] ---
What do you think?
> (btw. we could also use size<1>() and size<2>() ...)
Didn't find that function in uBlas. Where is it?
Maybe did you mean: size1(m) and size2(m)?
-- Marco