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Ublas :

Subject: Re: [ublas] LU decomposition: how can I get a unique solution?
From: Paul C. Leopardi (paul.leopardi_at_[hidden])
Date: 2009-10-15 19:52:40

Hi Pietro,
If you multiply the L and U matrices obtained from ublas/lu.hpp, do you get
your original matrix? Octave gives me

octave:9> [1 0;6 1]*[4 3/4.0;0 -3/2.0]
ans =

    4.00000 0.75000
   24.00000 3.00000

octave:11> [1 0;1.5 1]*[4 3;0 -1.5]
ans =

   4 3
   6 3

Best, Paul