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Subject: Re: [ublas] Eigenvalues & -vectors
From: Philipp Kraus (philipp.kraus_at_[hidden])
Date: 2010-07-04 12:59:23

On 2010-07-04 17:22:58 +0200, Kraus Philipp said:

> Hi,
> I have installed LAPACK library for numerical algorithms.
> Thanks to Rudger for the first help with the euclidian norm :-P
> My problem at this time, I must calculate eigenvalues and -vector form
> a symmetric not-sparse ublas matrix.
> I've found the header eigen/matrix.hpp but how can I use them?

I have compiled ATLAS with LAPACK and checked out the boost bindings.
If I set up the include to:
#include <boost/numeric/bindings/lapack.hpp>

I would get 1700 errors on the boost binding files like:
"there are no arguments to transr that depend on template parameter so
a declaration of transr must be available"
for example in the pftrs.hpp on line 130 and 144