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Subject: Re: [ublas] SVD decomposition and Moore penrose pseudo inverse
From: Thomas Klimpel (thomas.klimpel_at_[hidden])
Date: 2014-05-23 11:42:43

Dera_Augustin wrote:
> Link against Lapack? How? soory but i'm new and i've been searching on the web but can't get through...

You seem to be on windows, so I would suggest you take "clapack-3.2.1-CMAKE.tgz" from "", download a recent version of CMake from "", find the correct directory with a CMakeLists.txt file, and use CMake to create a Visual Studio Solution. Then build that solution and copy the blas and lapack libraries to a convenient place. Then you add them as "Additional Dependencies" under "Linker" to your project.

There are other options like using Intel-MKL or AMD-AMCL libraries, but as you claim to be a newbee...
