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Subject: Re: [ublas] Matrix multiplication performance
From: palik imre (imre_palik_at_[hidden])
Date: 2016-01-29 17:31:36

Here is a more sane kernel using gcc simd vectors:

template <typename Index, typename T>
typename std::enable_if<std::is_floating_point<T>::value,
ugemm(Index kc, T alpha,
           const T *A, const T *B,
           T beta,
           T *C, Index incRowC, Index incColC)
    static const Index MR = BlockSize<T>::MR;
    static const Index NR = BlockSize<T>::NR;
    static const unsigned div = 32/sizeof(T);
    typedef T vx __attribute__((vector_size (32)));

    vx P[MR*NR/div] __attribute__ ((aligned (128))) = {};
    const vx *B_ = (vx *)B;
    for (Index l=0; l<kc; ++l) {
      for (Index j=0; j<(NR/div); ++j) {
        for (Index i=0; i<MR; ++i) {
          P[i * NR/div + j] += A[i + l * MR]*B_[l*(NR/div)+j];

    T *P_ = (T *)P;
    for (Index i=0; i<MR; ++i) {
      for (Index j=0; j<NR; ++j) {
        C[i*incRowC+j*incColC] *= beta;
        C[i*incRowC+j*incColC] += alpha*P_[i * NR + j];

this plugs nicely to Michael's code, and slightly faster than my previous try (but still nowhere near to Michael's hand crafted kernel).

The good blocksize for double is MR=2, NR=16, KC=512
multiply MR and NR by 2 for float.

