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Subject: [ublas] [PATCH 1/3] ublas: improved dense matrix multiplication performance
From: Imre Palik (imre_palik_at_[hidden])
Date: 2016-02-29 02:46:36

This patch includes the gemm implementation from Michael Lehn to

This modifies the workings of ublas::prod() and ublas::axppy_prod()
to use gemm() above a certain matrix size.

This patch only contains the basic architecture, and a generic c++

Signed-off-by: Imre Palik <imre_palik_at_[hidden]>
Cc: Michael Lehn <michael.lehn_at_[hidden]>

 include/boost/numeric/ublas/detail/gemm.hpp       | 331 ++++++++++++++++++++++
 include/boost/numeric/ublas/matrix_expression.hpp | 139 ++++++++-
 include/boost/numeric/ublas/operation.hpp         | 154 +++++++++-
 3 files changed, 605 insertions(+), 19 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 include/boost/numeric/ublas/detail/gemm.hpp
diff --git a/include/boost/numeric/ublas/detail/gemm.hpp b/include/boost/numeric/ublas/detail/gemm.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f66e80f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/boost/numeric/ublas/detail/gemm.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,331 @@
+//  Copyright (c) 2016
+//  Michael Lehn, Imre Palik
+//  Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See
+//  accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
+#include <boost/type_traits/common_type.hpp>
+#include <boost/align/aligned_alloc.hpp>
+#include <boost/align/assume_aligned.hpp>
+#include <boost/static_assert.hpp>
+#include <boost/numeric/ublas/matrix_proxy.hpp>
+namespace boost { namespace numeric { namespace ublas { namespace detail {
+    template <typename T>
+    struct prod_block_size {
+        static const unsigned mc = 256;
+        static const unsigned kc = 512; // stripe length
+        static const unsigned nc = 4092;
+        static const unsigned mr = 4; // stripe width for lhs
+        static const unsigned nr = 12; // stripe width for rhs
+        static const unsigned align = 64; // align temporary arrays to this boundary
+        static const unsigned limit = 26; // Use gemm from this size
+        BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT_MSG(mc>0 && kc>0 && nc>0 && mr>0 && nr>0, "Invalid block size.");
+        BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT_MSG(mc % mr == 0, "MC must be a multiple of MR.");
+        BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT_MSG(nc % nr == 0, "NC must be a multiple of NR.");
+    };
+    template <>
+    struct prod_block_size<float> {
+        static const unsigned mc = 256;
+        static const unsigned kc = 512; // stripe length
+        static const unsigned nc = 4080;
+        static const unsigned mr = 4; // stripe width for lhs
+        static const unsigned nr = 24; // stripe width for rhs
+        static const unsigned align = 64; // align temporary arrays to this boundary
+        static const unsigned limit = 26; // Use gemm from this size
+        BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT_MSG(mc>0 && kc>0 && nc>0 && mr>0 && nr>0, "Invalid block size.");
+        BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT_MSG(mc % mr == 0, "MC must be a multiple of MR.");
+        BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT_MSG(nc % nr == 0, "NC must be a multiple of NR.");
+    };
+    template <>
+    struct prod_block_size<long double> {
+        static const unsigned mc = 256;
+        static const unsigned kc = 512; // stripe length
+        static const unsigned nc = 4096;
+        static const unsigned mr = 2; // stripe width for lhs
+        static const unsigned nr = 2; // stripe width for rhs
+        static const unsigned align = 64; // align temporary arrays to this boundary
+        static const unsigned limit = 26; // Use gemm from this size
+        BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT_MSG(mc>0 && kc>0 && nc>0 && mr>0 && nr>0, "Invalid block size.");
+        BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT_MSG(mc % mr == 0, "MC must be a multiple of MR.");
+        BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT_MSG(nc % nr == 0, "NC must be a multiple of NR.");
+    };
+    template<typename T>
+    struct is_blocksize {
+        struct fallback { static const int nr = 0; };
+        struct derived : T, fallback {};
+        template<int C1>
+       struct nonr {
+           static const bool value = false;
+           typedef false_type type;
+       };
+         template<typename C> static char (&f(typename nonr<C::nr>::type*))[1];
+         template<typename C> static char (&f(...))[2];
+         static bool const value = sizeof(f<derived>(0)) == 2;
+    };
+    template <typename E>
+    void
+    gescal(const typename E::value_type &alpha, matrix_expression<E> &X)
+    {
+        typedef typename E::size_type  size_type;
+       for (size_type i=0; i<X().size1(); ++i) {
+            for (size_type j=0; j<X().size2(); ++j) {
+               X()(i,j) *= alpha;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    template <typename Index, typename T>
+    void
+    geaxpy(Index m, Index n, const T &alpha,
+           const T *X, Index incRowX, Index incColX,
+           T       *Y, Index incRowY, Index incColY)
+    {
+        for (Index j=0; j<n; ++j) {
+            for (Index i=0; i<m; ++i) {
+                Y[i*incRowY+j*incColY] += alpha*X[i*incRowX+j*incColX];
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    template <typename Index, typename TX>
+    void
+    gescal(Index m, Index n,
+           const TX &alpha,
+           TX *X, Index incRowX, Index incColX)
+    {
+        for (Index j=0; j<n; ++j) {
+            for (Index i=0; i<m; ++i) {
+                X[i*incRowX+j*incColX] *= alpha;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    //-- Micro Kernel --------------------------------------------------------------
+    template <typename Index, typename T, typename TC, typename BlockSize>
+    void
+    ugemm(Index kc, TC alpha, const T *A, const T *B,
+          TC beta, TC *C, Index incRowC, Index incColC)
+    {
+        BOOST_ALIGN_ASSUME_ALIGNED(A, BlockSize::align);
+        BOOST_ALIGN_ASSUME_ALIGNED(B, BlockSize::align);
+        static const Index MR = BlockSize::mr;
+        static const Index NR = BlockSize::nr;
+       typename boost::aligned_storage<sizeof(T[MR*NR]),BlockSize::align>::type Pa;
+       T *P = reinterpret_cast<T*>(Pa.address());
+       for (unsigned c = 0; c < MR * NR; c++)
+         P[c] = 0;
+        for (Index l=0; l<kc; ++l) {
+           for (Index i=0; i<MR; ++i) {
+              for (Index j=0; j<NR; ++j) {
+                    P[i* NR+j] += A[i]*B[j];
+                }
+            }
+           A += MR;
+           B += NR;
+        }
+       if (alpha!=TC(1)) {
+           for (Index i=0; i<MR; ++i) {
+               for (Index j=0; j<NR; ++j) {
+                   P[i*NR+j] *= alpha;
+               }
+           }
+       }
+       if (beta == TC(0)) {
+           for (Index i=0; i<MR; ++i) {
+               for (Index j=0; j<NR; ++j) {
+                C[i*incRowC+j*incColC] = P[i*NR+j];
+               }
+           }
+       } else {
+           for (Index i=0; i<MR; ++i) {
+               for (Index j=0; j<NR; ++j) {
+                    C[i*incRowC+j*incColC] *= beta;
+                    C[i*incRowC+j*incColC] += P[i*NR+j];
+               }
+           }
+       }
+    }
+    //-- Macro Kernel --------------------------------------------------------------
+       template <typename Index, typename T, typename TC, typename BlockSize>
+    void
+    mgemm(Index mc, Index nc, Index kc, TC alpha,
+          const T *A, const T *B, TC beta,
+          TC *C, Index incRowC, Index incColC)
+    {
+        static const Index MR = BlockSize::mr;
+        static const Index NR = BlockSize::nr;
+        const Index mp  = (mc+MR-1) / MR;
+        const Index np  = (nc+NR-1) / NR;
+        const Index mr_ = mc % MR;
+        const Index nr_ = nc % NR;
+        // #if defined(_OPENMP)
+        // #pragma omp parallel for
+        // #endif
+        for (Index j=0; j<np; ++j) {
+      // __builtin_prefetch(B + j * kc * NR, 0);
+      // __builtin_prefetch(B + j * kc * NR + 8, 0);
+      // __builtin_prefetch(B + j * kc * NR + 16, 0);
+            const Index nr = (j!=np-1 || nr_==0) ? NR : nr_;
+            T C_[MR*NR];
+            for (Index i=0; i<mp; ++i) {
+                const Index mr = (i!=mp-1 || mr_==0) ? MR : mr_;
+                if (mr==MR && nr==NR) {
+                 ugemm<Index, T, TC, BlockSize>(kc, alpha,
+                          &A[i*kc*MR], &B[j*kc*NR],
+                          beta,
+                          &C[i*MR*incRowC+j*NR*incColC],
+                          incRowC, incColC);
+                } else {
+                    std::fill_n(C_, MR*NR, T(0));
+                    ugemm<Index, T, TC, BlockSize>(kc, alpha,
+                          &A[i*kc*MR], &B[j*kc*NR],
+                          T(0),
+                          C_, NR, Index(1));
+                    gescal(mr, nr, beta,
+                           &C[i*MR*incRowC+j*NR*incColC],
+                           incRowC, incColC);
+                    geaxpy(mr, nr, T(1), C_, NR, Index(1),
+                           &C[i*MR*incRowC+j*NR*incColC],
+                           incRowC, incColC);
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    //-- Packing blocks ------------------------------------------------------------
+       template <typename E, typename T, typename BlockSize>
+    void
+    pack_A(const matrix_expression<E> &A, T *p)
+    {
+        typedef typename E::size_type  size_type;
+        const size_type mc = A ().size1();
+        const size_type kc = A ().size2();
+        static const size_type MR = BlockSize::mr;
+        const size_type mp = (mc+MR-1) / MR;
+        for (size_type j=0; j<kc; ++j) {
+            for (size_type l=0; l<mp; ++l) {
+                for (size_type i0=0; i0<MR; ++i0) {
+                    size_type i  = l*MR + i0;
+                    size_type nu = l*MR*kc + j*MR + i0;
+                    p[nu]        = (i<mc) ? A()(i,j) : T(0);
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+       template <typename E, typename T, typename BlockSize>
+    void
+    pack_B(const matrix_expression<E> &B, T *p)
+    {
+        typedef typename E::size_type  size_type;
+        const size_type kc = B ().size1();
+        const size_type nc = B ().size2();
+        static const size_type NR = BlockSize::nr;
+        const size_type np = (nc+NR-1) / NR;
+        for (size_type l=0; l<np; ++l) {
+            for (size_type j0=0; j0<NR; ++j0) {
+                for (size_type i=0; i<kc; ++i) {
+                    size_type j  = l*NR+j0;
+                    size_type nu = l*NR*kc + i*NR + j0;
+                    p[nu]        = (j<nc) ? B()(i,j) : T(0);
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    //-- Frame routine -------------------------------------------------------------
+    template <typename E1, typename E2, typename E3, typename BlockSize>
+    void
+    gemm(typename E3::value_type alpha, const matrix_expression<E1> &e1,
+        const matrix_expression<E2> &e2,
+         typename E3::value_type beta, matrix_expression<E3> &e3,
+        BlockSize)
+    {
+        typedef typename E3::size_type  size_type;
+        typedef typename E1::value_type value_type1;
+        typedef typename E2::value_type value_type2;
+        typedef typename E3::value_type value_type3;
+        typedef typename common_type<value_type1, value_type2>::type value_type_i;
+        static const size_type MC = BlockSize::mc;
+        static const size_type NC = BlockSize::nc;
+        const size_type m = BOOST_UBLAS_SAME (e3 ().size1 (), e1 ().size1 ());
+       const size_type n = BOOST_UBLAS_SAME (e3 ().size2 (), e2 ().size2 ());
+        const size_type k = BOOST_UBLAS_SAME (e1 ().size2 (), e2 ().size1 ());
+        static const size_type KC = BlockSize::kc;
+        const size_type mb = (m+MC-1) / MC;
+        const size_type nb = (n+NC-1) / NC;
+        const size_type kb = (k+KC-1) / KC;
+        const size_type mc_ = m % MC;
+        const size_type nc_ = n % NC;
+        const size_type kc_ = k % KC;
+        value_type3 *C_ = &e3()(0,0);
+        const size_type incRowC = &e3()(1,0) - &e3()(0,0);
+        const size_type incColC = &e3()(0,1) - &e3()(0,0);
+        value_type_i *A =
+            static_cast<value_type_i *>(boost::alignment::aligned_alloc(BlockSize::align,
+                                                                       sizeof(value_type_i) * MC*KC));
+        value_type_i *B =
+            static_cast<value_type_i *>(boost::alignment::aligned_alloc(BlockSize::align,
+                                                                     sizeof(value_type_i) * KC*NC));
+        if (alpha==value_type3(0) || k==0) {
+            gescal(beta, e3);
+            return;
+        }
+        for (size_type j=0; j<nb; ++j) {
+            size_type nc = (j!=nb-1 || nc_==0) ? NC : nc_;
+            for (size_type l=0; l<kb; ++l) {
+                size_type kc = (l!=kb-1 || kc_==0) ? KC : kc_;
+                value_type3 beta_ = (l==0) ? beta : value_type3(1);
+                const matrix_range<const E2> Bs = subrange(e2(), l*KC, l*KC+kc, j*NC, j*NC+nc);
+                pack_B<matrix_range<const E2>, value_type_i, BlockSize>(Bs, B);
+                for (size_type i=0; i<mb; ++i) {
+                    size_type mc = (i!=mb-1 || mc_==0) ? MC : mc_;
+                    const matrix_range<const E1> As = subrange(e1(), i*MC, i*MC+mc, l*KC, l*KC+kc);
+                    pack_A<matrix_range<const E1>, value_type_i, BlockSize>(As, A);
+                    mgemm<size_type, value_type_i, value_type3, BlockSize>(mc, nc, kc, alpha, A, B, beta_,
+                         &C_[i*MC*incRowC+j*NC*incColC],
+                         incRowC, incColC);
+                }
+            }
+        }
+       boost::alignment::aligned_free(A);
+       boost::alignment::aligned_free(B);
+    }
diff --git a/include/boost/numeric/ublas/matrix_expression.hpp b/include/boost/numeric/ublas/matrix_expression.hpp
index a363130..78daf2b 100644
--- a/include/boost/numeric/ublas/matrix_expression.hpp
+++ b/include/boost/numeric/ublas/matrix_expression.hpp
@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
 #include <boost/numeric/ublas/vector_expression.hpp>
+#include <boost/numeric/ublas/detail/gemm.hpp>
 // Expression templates based on ideas of Todd Veldhuizen and Geoffrey Furnish
 // Iterators based on ideas of Jeremy Siek
@@ -5460,45 +5461,104 @@ namespace boost { namespace numeric { namespace ublas {
         expression2_closure_type e2_;
+    namespace detail {
+      template<class E1, class E2, class P, bool s>
+      struct binary_calculate_result_type;
+      template<class E1, class E2, class P>
+      struct binary_calculate_result_type<E1, E2, P, false> {
+       typedef matrix_matrix_binary<E1, E2, matrix_matrix_prod<E1, E2, P> > result_type;
+      };
+      template<class E1, class E2, class P>
+      struct binary_calculate_result_type<E1, E2, P, true> {
+       typedef matrix<P> result_type;
+      };
+    }
     template<class T1, class E1, class T2, class E2>
     struct matrix_matrix_binary_traits {
-        typedef unknown_storage_tag storage_category;
+      //        typedef unknown_storage_tag storage_category;
+      typedef typename storage_restrict_traits<typename E1::storage_category, typename E2::storage_category>::storage_category storage_category;
         typedef unknown_orientation_tag orientation_category;
         typedef typename promote_traits<T1, T2>::promote_type promote_type;
         typedef matrix_matrix_binary<E1, E2, matrix_matrix_prod<E1, E2, promote_type> > expression_type;
-        typedef expression_type result_type;
+      //        typedef expression_type result_type;
+      typedef typename detail::binary_calculate_result_type<E1, E2, promote_type, boost::is_base_of<dense_proxy_tag, storage_category>::value>::result_type result_type;
         typedef typename E1::matrix_temporary_type result_type;
-    template<class E1, class E2>
+    template<class E1, class E2, class B>
     typename matrix_matrix_binary_traits<typename E1::value_type, E1,
                                          typename E2::value_type, E2>::result_type
     prod (const matrix_expression<E1> &e1,
           const matrix_expression<E2> &e2,
+         B,
           unknown_orientation_tag) {
         typedef typename matrix_matrix_binary_traits<typename E1::value_type, E1,
                                                      typename E2::value_type, E2>::expression_type expression_type;
         return expression_type (e1 (), e2 ());
-    // Dispatcher
-    template<class E1, class E2>
+    template<class E1, class E2, class B>
     typename matrix_matrix_binary_traits<typename E1::value_type, E1,
                                          typename E2::value_type, E2>::result_type
     prod (const matrix_expression<E1> &e1,
-          const matrix_expression<E2> &e2) {
+          const matrix_expression<E2> &e2,
+         B b,
+          dense_proxy_tag,
+          unknown_orientation_tag) {
+        typedef typename matrix_matrix_binary_traits<typename E1::value_type, E1,
+                                                     typename E2::value_type, E2>::expression_type expression_type;
+        typedef typename matrix_matrix_binary_traits<typename E1::value_type, E1,
+                                                     typename E2::value_type, E2>::result_type result_type;
+       typedef typename result_type::value_type result_value;
+       if (e1 ().size1() < B::limit || e2 ().size2() < B::limit) {
+           return expression_type (e1 (), e2 ());
+       } else {
+            result_type rv(e1 ().size1(), e2 ().size2());
+           detail::gemm(result_value(1), e1, e2,
+                        result_value(0), rv, b);
+           return rv;
+       }
+    }
+    // Dispatcher
+    template<class E1, class E2, class B>
+    typename enable_if_c<detail::is_blocksize<B>::value,
+                        typename matrix_matrix_binary_traits<typename E1::value_type, E1,
+                                                             typename E2::value_type, E2>::result_type>::type
+    prod (const matrix_expression<E1> &e1,
+          const matrix_expression<E2> &e2,
+         B b) {
         BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT (E1::complexity == 0 && E2::complexity == 0);
         typedef typename matrix_matrix_binary_traits<typename E1::value_type, E1,
                                                      typename E2::value_type, E2>::storage_category storage_category;
         typedef typename matrix_matrix_binary_traits<typename E1::value_type, E1,
                                                      typename E2::value_type, E2>::orientation_category orientation_category;
-        return prod (e1, e2, storage_category (), orientation_category ());
+        return prod (e1, e2, b, storage_category (), orientation_category ());
+    }
+    template<class E1, class E2>
+    typename matrix_matrix_binary_traits<typename E1::value_type, E1,
+                                         typename E2::value_type, E2>::result_type
+    prod (const matrix_expression<E1> &e1,
+          const matrix_expression<E2> &e2) {
+        BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT (E1::complexity == 0 && E2::complexity == 0);
+       typedef typename detail::prod_block_size<typename common_type<typename E1::value_type,
+                                                                     typename E2::value_type>::type> block_sizes;
+        return prod (e1, e2, block_sizes());
     template<class E1, class E2>
@@ -5529,13 +5589,74 @@ namespace boost { namespace numeric { namespace ublas {
         return prec_prod (e1, e2, storage_category (), orientation_category ());
-    template<class M, class E1, class E2>
+    template<class M, class E1, class E2, typename B>
+    void
+    prod (const matrix_expression<E1> &e1,
+          const matrix_expression<E2> &e2,
+          M &m, B b,
+         unknown_storage_tag,
+          unknown_orientation_tag) {
+        typedef typename matrix_matrix_binary_traits<typename E1::value_type, E1,
+                                                     typename E2::value_type, E2>::expression_type expression_type;
+        m.assign(expression_type (e1 (), e2 ()));
+    }
+    template<class M, class E1, class E2, typename B>
+    void
+    prod (const matrix_expression<E1> &e1,
+          const matrix_expression<E2> &e2,
+          M &m, B b,
+         dense_proxy_tag,
+          unknown_orientation_tag) {
+        typedef typename matrix_matrix_binary_traits<typename E1::value_type, E1,
+                                                     typename E2::value_type, E2>::expression_type expression_type;
+        typedef typename matrix_matrix_binary_traits<typename E1::value_type, E1,
+                                                     typename E2::value_type, E2>::result_type result_type;
+       typedef typename result_type::value_type result_value;
+       if (e1 ().size1() < B::limit || e2 ().size2() < B::limit) {
+            m.assign(expression_type (e1 (), e2 ()));
+       } else {
+           detail::gemm(result_value(1), e1, e2,
+                        result_value(0), m, b);
+       }
+    }
+    // dispatcher
+      template<class M, class E1, class E2, class B>
     M &
     prod (const matrix_expression<E1> &e1,
           const matrix_expression<E2> &e2,
+          M &m, B b) {
+        BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT (E1::complexity == 0 && E2::complexity == 0);
+        typedef typename matrix_matrix_binary_traits<typename E1::value_type, E1,
+                                                     typename E2::value_type, E2>::storage_category storage_category;
+        typedef typename matrix_matrix_binary_traits<typename E1::value_type, E1,
+                                                     typename E2::value_type, E2>::orientation_category orientation_category;
+        prod (e1, e2, m, b, storage_category(), orientation_category());
+       return m;
+    }
+    template<class M, class E1, class E2>
+    typename enable_if_c<!detail::is_blocksize<M>::value,
+                        M&>::type
+    prod (const matrix_expression<E1> &e1,
+          const matrix_expression<E2> &e2,
           M &m) {
-        return m.assign (prod (e1, e2));
+        BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT (E1::complexity == 0 && E2::complexity == 0);
+        typedef typename matrix_matrix_binary_traits<typename E1::value_type, E1,
+                                                     typename E2::value_type, E2>::storage_category storage_category;
+        typedef typename matrix_matrix_binary_traits<typename E1::value_type, E1,
+                                                     typename E2::value_type, E2>::orientation_category orientation_category;
+       typedef typename detail::prod_block_size<typename common_type<typename E1::value_type,
+                                                                     typename E2::value_type>::type> block_sizes;
+        prod (e1, e2, m, block_sizes(), storage_category(), orientation_category());
+       return m;
     template<class M, class E1, class E2>
diff --git a/include/boost/numeric/ublas/operation.hpp b/include/boost/numeric/ublas/operation.hpp
index 64657cc..393a9bd 100644
--- a/include/boost/numeric/ublas/operation.hpp
+++ b/include/boost/numeric/ublas/operation.hpp
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
 #include <boost/numeric/ublas/matrix_proxy.hpp>
+#include <boost/numeric/ublas/detail/gemm.hpp>
 /** \file operation.hpp
  *  \brief This file contains some specialized products.
@@ -637,7 +637,63 @@ namespace boost { namespace numeric { namespace ublas {
         return m;
-    // Dispatcher
+    template<class M, class E1, class E2, class S, class B>
+    M&
+    axpy_prod (const matrix_expression<E1> &e1,
+               const matrix_expression<E2> &e2,
+               M &m, full,
+              S, bool init, B)
+    {
+        typedef typename M::value_type value_type;
+       typedef S storage_category;
+       typedef typename M::orientation_category orientation_category;
+       if (init)
+         m.assign (zero_matrix<value_type> (e1 ().size1 (), e2 ().size2 ()));
+       return axpy_prod (e1, e2, m, full (), storage_category (),
+                         orientation_category ());
+    }
+    template<class M, class E1, class E2, class B>
+    M&
+    axpy_prod (const matrix_expression<E1> &e1,
+               const matrix_expression<E2> &e2,
+               M &m, full,
+              dense_proxy_tag, bool init, B)
+    {
+        typedef typename M::value_type value_type;
+       typedef B block_sizes;
+        if (m.size1() < B::limit || m.size2() < B::limit) {
+            typedef typename M::storage_category storage_category;
+            typedef typename M::orientation_category orientation_category;
+            if (init)
+                m.assign (zero_matrix<value_type> (e1 ().size1 (), e2 ().size2 ()));
+            return axpy_prod (e1, e2, m, full (), storage_category (),
+                             orientation_category ());
+        } else {
+            detail::gemm(value_type(1), e1, e2,
+                        value_type(init? 0 : 1), m, block_sizes());
+            return m;
+        }
+    }
+    template<class M, class E1, class E2, class B>
+    M&
+    axpy_prod (const matrix_expression<E1> &e1,
+               const matrix_expression<E2> &e2,
+               M &m, full,
+              dense_tag, bool init, B b)
+    {
+       return axpy_prod (e1, e2, m, full (), dense_proxy_tag(),
+                         init, b);
+    }
+    // Dispatchers
     template<class M, class E1, class E2, class TRI>
     M &
@@ -651,11 +707,16 @@ namespace boost { namespace numeric { namespace ublas {
         if (init)
             m.assign (zero_matrix<value_type> (e1 ().size1 (), e2 ().size2 ()));
-        return axpy_prod (e1, e2, m, triangular_restriction (), storage_category (), orientation_category ());
+        return axpy_prod(e1, e2, m, triangular_restriction (),
+                        storage_category (), orientation_category(),
+                        init);
     template<class M, class E1, class E2, class TRI>
-    M
+    typename enable_if_c<!detail::is_blocksize<TRI>::value,
+                               M>::type
     axpy_prod (const matrix_expression<E1> &e1,
                const matrix_expression<E2> &e2,
                TRI) {
@@ -690,29 +751,61 @@ namespace boost { namespace numeric { namespace ublas {
           \param E1 type of a matrix expression \c A
           \param E2 type of a matrix expression \c X
+    template<class M, class E1, class E2, class B>
+    M &
+    axpy_prod (const matrix_expression<E1> &e1,
+               const matrix_expression<E2> &e2,
+               M &m, bool init, B) {
+        typedef typename M::storage_category storage_category;
+       typedef B block_sizes;
+        return axpy_prod(e1, e2, m, full (), storage_category (),
+                        init, block_sizes());
+    }
     template<class M, class E1, class E2>
     M &
     axpy_prod (const matrix_expression<E1> &e1,
                const matrix_expression<E2> &e2,
                M &m, bool init = true) {
-        typedef typename M::value_type value_type;
         typedef typename M::storage_category storage_category;
-        typedef typename M::orientation_category orientation_category;
+       typedef typename detail::prod_block_size<typename common_type<typename E1::value_type,
+                                                                     typename E2::value_type>::type> block_sizes;
-        if (init)
-            m.assign (zero_matrix<value_type> (e1 ().size1 (), e2 ().size2 ()));
-        return axpy_prod (e1, e2, m, full (), storage_category (), orientation_category ());
+        return axpy_prod(e1, e2, m, full (), storage_category (),
+                        init, block_sizes());
+    }
+    template<class M, class E1, class E2, class B>
+    typename boost::enable_if_c<detail::is_blocksize<B>::value,
+                               M>::type
+    axpy_prod (const matrix_expression<E1> &e1,
+               const matrix_expression<E2> &e2, B) {
+        typedef M matrix_type;
+        typedef typename M::storage_category storage_category;
+       typedef B block_sizes;
+        matrix_type m (e1 ().size1 (), e2 ().size2 ());
+        return axpy_prod(e1, e2, m, full (), storage_category(), true,
+                        block_sizes());
     template<class M, class E1, class E2>
     axpy_prod (const matrix_expression<E1> &e1,
                const matrix_expression<E2> &e2) {
         typedef M matrix_type;
+        typedef typename M::storage_category storage_category;
+       typedef typename detail::prod_block_size<typename common_type<typename E1::value_type,
+                                                                     typename E2::value_type>::type> block_sizes;
         matrix_type m (e1 ().size1 (), e2 ().size2 ());
-        return axpy_prod (e1, e2, m, full (), true);
+        return axpy_prod(e1, e2, m, full (), storage_category(), true,
+                        block_sizes());
@@ -825,6 +918,47 @@ namespace boost { namespace numeric { namespace ublas {
         return opb_prod (e1, e2, m, true);
+  /** \brief computes <tt>C = alpha * A * B + beta * C</tt> in an
+          optimized fashion.
+         \param alpha scalar multiplier
+          \param e1 the matrix expression \c A
+          \param e2 the matrix expression \c B
+         \param beta scalar multiplier
+          \param e3  the result matrix \c C
+         <tt>gemm</tt> implements the well known gemm operation
+          \ingroup blas3
+          \internal
+          template parameters:
+          \param E1 type of a matrix expression \c A
+          \param E2 type of a matrix expression \c B
+          \param E3 type of a matrix expression \c C
+  */
+    template <typename E1, typename E2, typename E3>
+    void
+    gemm(typename E3::value_type alpha, const matrix_expression<E1> &e1,
+         const matrix_expression<E2> &e2,
+        typename E3::value_type beta, matrix_expression<E3> &e3) {
+        typedef typename detail::prod_block_size<typename common_type<typename E1::value_type,
+                                                                     typename E2::value_type>::type> block_sizes;
+       detail::gemm(alpha, e1, e2, beta, e3, block_sizes());
+    }
+    template <typename E1, typename E2, typename E3, typename BlockSize>
+    void
+    gemm(typename E3::value_type alpha, const matrix_expression<E1> &e1,
+         const matrix_expression<E2> &e2,
+        typename E3::value_type beta, matrix_expression<E3> &e3,
+        BlockSize b) {
+       detail::gemm(alpha, e1, e2, beta, e3, b);
+    }