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From: Beman Dawes (beman_at_[hidden])
Date: 1999-07-14 11:49:57

At 07:54 AM 7/14/99 -0400, Dave Abrahams wrote:

>> Here is a first cut at config.h. Comments appreciated.
>Using the config files from STLPort with all "STL" changed to
"BOOST" would
>save a lot of work.

That is certainly true. But while I am not enough of a purist to
avoid a configuration file entirely, I would really like it to be a
last resort, not further excuse to delay full ISO 14882 (C++
Standard) compliance. So because of stuff like:


I wouldn't want to just copy and rename their entire header (assuming
their copyright even allows that!)

On the other hand, we might save much work by using their header as a
guide to quickly bring boost/config.h[pp] up to speed. Again
assuming that isn't a copyright violation. We would give them credit
as appropriate, of course.

Do you know if their configuration file is reliable enough to depend

Thanks for the idea, in any case.


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