Boost : |
From: Paul Baxter (paje_at_[hidden])
Date: 2000-01-04 18:00:12
www.oonumerics.org/oon/ has a nice summary of well known packages
Blitz, TNT, MTL and SVMT are ones I've had a look at.
There are several others there also of possible use.
Since this is such a well catered-for area of programming these might be
If boost does consider it a worthy addition maybe the author of one of these
packages might be interested in joining boost and contributing their
software for comments etc (I know Bob Tisdale is quite vocal and helpful
regarding SVMT and appears interested in providing it as a C++
'pseudo-standard' API ref: http://www.netwood.net/~edwin/svmt/#proposal )
Paul Baxter
----- Original Message -----
From: Martin Schürch <mschuerch_at_[hidden]>
To: <boost_at_[hidden]>
Sent: 04 January 2000 22:50
Subject: [boost] matrix classes in boost
> Hi
> I'm following silently the boost mailing list since a couple of days and I
like the
> idea off code as free as boost code.
> Since a couple of months I'm playing with the idea to write a free simple
> library. I know that there are
> many around already, but I didn't find one which fulfills the following
> characteristics:
> 1) free also for commercial projects (e.g. MTL I think does not fulfil
> 2) available also for VC (e.g. not for blitz)
> 3) easy to use
> 4) fast but does not have to be as fast as e.g. MTL or Blitz
> My ideas:
> 1) based on valarray,... and slice, gslice -> std-implementers have to
write the
> optimised low-level code
> 2) RowMajor and ColumnMajor mode chooseable at compile time via a trait
> 3) LU and SVD decomposition classes
> 4) a set of relating functions e.g det, trace, product, solve
> 5) perhaps using some BLAS routines
> -> similar to Rogue Waves math++ but with concrete classes
> The user in mind would be people who need a simple and stable matrix class
> average
> numerical tasks. I think there are a lot of them.
> Are there any ultimate libraries I missed?
> Is this outside the direction of boost?
> Please comment!
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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