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From: John Maddock (John_Maddock_at_[hidden])
Date: 2000-05-02 05:53:52


>Recently I posted a comment on comp.lang.c++.moderated about how I
used boost::call_traits to rewrite the standard binders and member
function adapters, and thus avoided the problem of references to

Consequently someone emailed me and suggested I package these up and
submit them to Boost. I certainly don't mind doing that if you folks
think it would be worthwhile, and if no-one has done (or is doing)
something similar already.

I would say go for it, it was something I considered back when we were
discussing call_traits, but I've never had a pressing need to use them so I
haven't written any :-)

I don't know if there is any boost policy on better/alternative
implementations of existing standard library components, but I don't see
why we shouldn't foster that kind of thing here?

- John.

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