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From: Bill Wade (bill.wade_at_[hidden])
Date: 2000-08-22 12:55:40

> -----Original Message-----
> From: jsiek_at_[hidden] [mailto:jsiek_at_[hidden]]
> Is there anything the ISO can do about refusal to conform?

Do you know of any conforming compilers? I haven't found any where 'export'

The last time I tried
   char* p = new char[size_t(-1L)];
on a 32-bit linux platform it returned a non-null pointer, but the pointer
did not point at 2^32-1 usable characters.

I think the state of the art for determining C++ conformance is to get a
statement by a trusted source about how well feature X works on compiler Y.
In many cases "a trusted source" may have to be a test program that you
write yourself.

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