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From: John Maddock (John_Maddock_at_[hidden])
Date: 2001-06-24 05:48:13


Thanks for trying that out again.

>1. You misspelled the name of one of the compiler companies. It's

Grief, consider me *very* embarrassed :-(

>2. You forgot to #include the header where std::strcmp comes from in
>"config_info.cpp". (When you fix it, be careful about compilers that
>put strcmp into std.)

Yep, I'll probably use <string.h> for maximal portability (I want this to
compile even if boost is not correctly configured - the info it produces is
needed to work out what to define and when).

>3. I had to comment out the "template" qualifiers that my compiler can't
>accept, but I had another problem with the standard allocator test.
>Conversion is allowed through the cross-version constructor, but not
>assignment. I had to comment out the "a3 = a2;" line in
>"boost_no_std_allocator.cxx". Shouldn't the assignment work because it'll
>use the (working) cross-version constructor? Maybe a Metrowerks guru on
>this list could figure it out.

Broken compiler, broken allocator then. The whole point of the regression
tests is that there should be absolutely no workarounds - these should fail
for your compiler. Of course if something like
BOOST_LIMITED_MEMBER_TEMPLATES gets added that's another matter.

>4. This is what I got when I ran the "config_info" program:

Looks like I got your standard lib wrong, I don't see where
BOOST_MSVC6_MEMBER_TEMPLATES is coming from either.

>5. I'm wondering: should we have separate configs for Mac OS and Mac OS
>or should they be in the same file? How do we differentiate them?
>(Marketing-wise, the latter is an update of the former. Technical-wise,
>latter is a completely different system with a lot of touch-ups to make it
>look like and work with the former.)

I take your point - currently there is no platform config for the Mac - I
don't know what defines it sets (any ideas?), I guess within that MacOS X
would be treated as a unix variant - note that there isn't much listed
under the platform config yet (just stdint.h) that will change when threads
are added, and the remaining regex specific options get moved into

- John Maddock

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