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From: David Abrahams (david.abrahams_at_[hidden])
Date: 2001-11-02 18:47:07

----- Original Message -----
From: "Markus Schöpflin" <markus.schoepflin_at_[hidden]>

> Hi all,
> I uploaded a new version of msvc-stlport-tools.jam to the vault. It can be
found at
jam .
> It now supports native IO streams and STLport IO streams. I tested it with
with the following build settings and it worked for both the thread library
and the regexp library without any problems. All sources were taken from
> STLPORT_ROOT_4_0 ?= C:\\src\\STLport\\STLport-4.0 ;
> STLPORT_ROOT_4_5 ?= C:\\src\\STLport\\STLport-4.5 ;
> TOOLS = msvc-stlport ;
> BUILD = debug release
> <threading>multi
> <runtime-link>dynamic
> <rtti>off
> <stlport-iostream>on/off
> <stlport-version>4.0/4.5
> ;

That's amazing, Markus! You rock!

> I'm pretty sure it won't work without command files (it didn't work on my
system) so you need the latest build system updates to use it.
> Things left to do:
> - Create a compiler independent STLport jam file which is able to extend
any given toolset. I don't know if this is possible, though.

I think it is. However, we should think about the design a bit first:

1. Should it be based on a more general mechanism for replacing the built-in
standard library?
2. Shall we arrange things so that you can build both with and without
stlport, and such that each build goes in a separate subvariant directory?

> - Handling of other STLport versions (betas, bugfix releases) which don't
affect link compatibility.

Hmm, I'm not sure there are ever any STLPort revisions that preserve link

> - Support for different STLport configurations (all these defines in
stl_user_config.h) Handle them in the toolset or leave it to the user?

Good question.

For the most part, stl_user_config is no longer supported, IIRC. I think the
only thing worth supporting (and even this is arguable, since it doesn't
really work well) is STLP_NO_IOSTREAMS. But maybe I've overlooked something?

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