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From: Howard Hinnant (hinnant_at_[hidden])
Date: 2002-03-07 12:02:34

On Thursday, March 7, 2002, at 10:39 AM, David Abrahams wrote:

> Just out of curiosity, what do you think the alternative could have
> been?
> int f(double); // 1
> int x = f(double()); // 2
> In line 2 above, if double() produced an uninitialized value f(double())
> would have produced undefined behavior. Would you have advocated that
> double() produces an undefined-but-copyable value?

I think that scalar() should call the scalar's default constructor. And
I think a scalar's default constructor should be a no-op. If you copy
such an object, it's your problem. Maybe your hardware won't mind,
maybe it will. Such a design would have been more consistent with C,
and easier to understand.

There are always ways to initialize an object. But once initialization
is made mandatory, getting an uninitialized object becomes more
difficult. Mandatory initialization goes against the "don't pay for
what you don't use" philosophy of C.

Referring to Andy's fine paper: There are better techniques available
today to getting a default value into map than those in the paper, even
if scalar() is a no-op. Such techniques either weren't developed, or
weren't widely enough known at the time this paper was written.

vector<double> v(100);

Does not have to be "undefined". It could have meant an array of
uninitialized doubles of length 100. It would have been more like:

double* v = new double[100];

And if that's not what you wanted, then you've always got:

vector<double> v(100, 0.0);

To answer your question directly:

     int x = f(double());

If that's really what you want to do... It could have had the same
meaning as:

      double temp;
      int x = f(temp);

If you want to send 0, then it is not that much harder to write:

      int x = f(double(0));

or simply

      int x = f(0);

Bottom line: Uninitialized scalars were viewed as a problem that needed
solving. With the benefit of 20/20 hindsight, uninitialized scalars
were a feature, not a bug.

> Maybe we should just make a magic library function which does that:
> std::uninitialized<double>()
> would produce a value whose copies the compiler can optimize away.

Sounds interesting.


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