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From: danl_miller (danl_miller_at_[hidden])
Date: 2002-03-11 11:48:00

--- In boost_at_y..., "David Abrahams" <david.abrahams_at_r...> wrote:
> Hi Everyone,
> Someone recently asked if Mailman will provide a web-posting
> The answer is "no, not directly". However, there are any number of
> places to get a free web-based email account (e.g. HotMail, Yahoo,
> etc.). You can always do that.

  When will access via newsgroups be available?

  Just as Bill Kempf made the argument eloquently that some people
work at companies which do not permit installing cygwin or mingw32
which motivates the existence of Boost.Build & Boost.Jam as Boost's
official build environment instead of UNIX-oriented/POSIX-oriented
autotools, I work at a company which prohibits accessing WWW-based
email accounts due to concern that attachments (of proper
executable/script types) to email received via WWW-based email
accounts could contain a virus which cannot be filtered out by current
email-virus-scanning technology.

  Newsgroup access is still permitted. Newsgroups are the only
practical alternative that I have, because the number of postings to
the Boost-developer email list is so overwhelming huge.

  Speaking of the multithousand emails per month on the Boost
developer email list (and the possibility of newsgroups now that we
are outide of yahoo), I think serious thought should be given to
decomposing the Boost developer email list into separate categories,
such as one newsgroup/list per library and one lower-traffic general
newsgroup/list. Moderators would enforce that postings stay on-topic
for that category.

Boost list run by bdawes at, gregod at, cpdaniel at, john at