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From: dmoore99atwork (dmoore_at_[hidden])
Date: 2002-03-12 14:05:45

> > 2. As ideas come up on the list which belong above lines A or B,
> it would be great to track them, along with citations/references,
so that they aren't lost. Perhaps a Boost.Threads area on the Wiki
might work?

> I've been tracking them in my own notes, but something public would
> be worth maintaining. The Wiki may be the right answer, but I'm
not familiar enough with it. Do you care to volunteer to start
something along these lines?


I added a Boost.Threads page to the Boost Wiki site:

I put up a *very* rough outline of just the topics that have come up
in the past week or so....

I would think that this page can act as a links collector, with an
additional subpages added as necessary when we get lots of detail on
a subject/primitive, etc.

I *don't* forsee creating a redundant archive of mailing list
traffic, but links to archived threads of interest will probably be
valuable, esp. once the list is migrated away from Yahoo.


Boost list run by bdawes at, gregod at, cpdaniel at, john at