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From: Philippe A. Bouchard (philippe_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-08-03 19:02:12

Rene Rivera wrote:
> [2003-08-03] Philippe A. Bouchard wrote:
>> WxWindows don't have any intermediate compiler but the end user
>> syntax is not attractive for the signal / slot mechanism (macros).
> Yes, and no. You can use the macros if you like that sort of stuff.
> But the signal/slot mecahnism is just as easilly available directly
> with the "Connect" interface. Thruth is WX doesn't need most, if not
> all, of the macros it uses. If only you could convice the WX
> developers of that ;-)

... other issues:

- Qt is more popular than WxWindows because it is commercial:
    - they can support their product;
    - they can affort to sponsor their product;
    - people won't have to install yet another library;
    - it is binary compatible with previous versions also.

But I think WxWindows developpers can affort to completely rewrite their
engine if a better syntax is available. Yours to decide.


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