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From: E. Gladyshev (egladysh_at_[hidden])
Date: 2003-09-19 12:06:04

--- Michael van der Westhuizen <Michael.vanderWesthuizen_at_[hidden]> wrote:

> I think a lot of rework would be avoided by doing
> the initial proof of concept work in parallel on
> Win32, X and Mac. These three platforms are so
> radically different any Win32 conceptual hangovers
> would be identified early.

Sorry, I'd like to duplicate my post to the notus mailing
list here.

We've added wx support to the notus sample.
The files are in CVS.
It was my first experience with wx.
I was a bit suprised how easy it was to build
the implementation traits for basic window 
functionality in wx.  It took me about 4 nights 
including the installation/configuration/learning.
The only difference between the wx and win32 versions
in the sample code is that it includes 
the "platform/wx/policies.hpp" header for wx 
and "platform/win32/policies.hpp" for win32.
The compiler switch is PLATFORM_WX in notus_test.cpp
#if defined(PLATFORM_WX)
#include "notus/platform/wx/policies.hpp"
#include "notus/platform/win32/policies.hpp"
Please note:
The sample code is still under the test/platfrom/win32 folder.
I'll move it to a platfrom independed location eventually.
I don't have a Linux installation yet. So it'd be
nice if someone could try it out on Linux.
The sample uses bitmaps that are defined as 
application resources.  I don't know 
if Linux supports it.
Sometime this week, I will make a binary 
release of this sample for wx on win32.
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