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From: John Maddock (john_at_[hidden])
Date: 2004-10-02 05:11:57

> Hmmm, I hadn't realized John was going to change it (we went to all the
> trouble of checking for the environment variable just so we COULD keep the
> original path)
> John, I think looking in the registry is a BAD idea... the Environment
> variables are readily visible to users, the registry is NOT

Just to be clear here - I haven't changed anything yet - or even
experimented with such a change, more like thinking out loud.

However if a particular toolset readily identifies itself in the registry,
that seems to be a lot more reliable than messing with environment variables
that the user has to type in every time they want to use Boost.

BTW the Metrowerks jam-toolset already works this apparently.


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