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From: Beman Dawes (bdawes_at_[hidden])
Date: 2005-02-07 21:15:13

At 11:58 AM 2/6/2005, Victor A. Wagner Jr. wrote:

>It's becoming apparent that the ONLY possibilities being considered are
>(ancient history) and Subversion. Other than my mention of cvsnt and one

>other NOBODY is looking at it.

Well, I've looked at it. CVSNT looks like it makes some improvements on
CVS, but stays much more in the CVS mold than SVN. Whether that is good or
bad depends on your point-of-view. Since CVSNT depends on regular CVS
clients, my guess is that CVSNT is somewhat limited as to ability to
introduce new approaches.

I was initially very skeptical of SVN, but after using it I'm rapidly
becoming convinced that by starting fresh they were able to provide more
functionality yet greater ease-of-use.


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