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From: Andreas Huber (ahd6974-spamgroupstrap_at_[hidden])
Date: 2006-11-22 09:20:20

In the next few days I will be tackling license & copyright issues of
libraries for which the registered maintainer or the copyright owner
have not posted to any of the boost lists in the last couple of months.
That is, I will fix libraries that have a high chance of not being
actively maintained.

For the cases where none of the copyright owners appear in
boost/more/blanket-permission.txt I will try to contact them beforehand.
The affected libraries are:

array (Nicolai M. Josuttis)
compatibility (Ralf W. Grosse-Kunstleve)
detail (various authors)
disjoint_sets (Jeremy Siek)
format (Samuel Krempp)
functional (?)
iostreams (Jonathan Turkanis)
lamda (Jaakko Jarvi)
more (various authors)
numeric/interval (Sylvain Pion)
pool (Steven Cleary)
random (Jens Maurer)
rational (Jonathan Turkanis)
tokenizer (John R. Bandela)
tuple (Jaakko Jarvi)
utility (various authors)

If anybody would rather not have these issues resolved in any of the
libraries above, please speak up before November, 24 00:00 UTC.


Andreas Huber
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