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From: David Abrahams (dave_at_[hidden])
Date: 2007-04-02 08:15:13

on Sun Apr 01 2007, Stefan Seefeld <> wrote:

> David Abrahams wrote:
>> on Sun Apr 01 2007, Stefan Seefeld <> wrote:
>>>> Unfortunately, I don't believe all build variants _are_ tested. But
>>>> anyway, I don't understand what you mean about modularity and
>>>> slowdowns. The tests are distributed across many machines. If you
>>>> dedicate a single testing machine to one toolchain and build variant,
>>>> you can't do this much faster. Many testers do incremental testing,
>>>> so only the changed stuff gets rebuilt.
>>> You are right, the total execution time is still the same. However,
>>> a more modular system is more easily parallelizable.
>> I still don't know what you mean by "more modular"
> I mean a system that provides many smaller test suites,

We already have that. Each library has its own test suite.
What we don't have is any way to partition Boost among different

> so users
> can offer to run them individually. (That would give the additional
> benefit of test-suite specific parametrization. For example, boost.python
> may be tested against different python versions, something that doesn't
> make any sense for any other part of boost.)


>>> More testers could contribute cycles as the resource requirements
>>> wouldn't be quite as high. This, then, makes the cycles from checkin
>>> to report containing associated test results smaller, helping to get
>>> fixes in quicker. Etc. etc.
>> Maybe you're suggesting that tests of the whole suite on a single
>> compiler and platform could be distributed across many machines? That
>> could be vulnerable to small platform differences, but maybe there's a
>> way around that.
> If there are potentially 'small platform differences' they need to be captured
> by the testing harness anyway. Right now we get potentially multiple test runs
> with the same label (i.e. same toolchain / platform), with potentially differing
> results. One way to enhance the testing harness is to more strictly control
> the environment test suites are executed in. buildbot (
> would provide excellent tools to move into that direction. (Rene has been suggesting
> to do that for a long time, for example here:

I hope you'll be at BoostCon; I'd like to get your ideas in the mix
for a discussion of (and maybe a sprint on) the testing architecture.

Dave Abrahams
Boost Consulting
Don't Miss BoostCon 2007! ==>

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