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From: Michael Lacher (michael.lacher_at_[hidden])
Date: 2007-04-04 09:40:12

Andrey Semashev wrote:

> One thing that isn't clear for me now is the way the library should be
> initialized. Obviously, in most industrial-sized use cases the
> initialization should be made from an external source (e.g. a file
> with settings, system registry, etc.), but in a small-sized solutions
> either no or minimum initialization may be done right from code. The
> problem here is that I see no unified way to init the lib the first
> way. For some cases a simple text file would be sufficient, for others
> the settings should be in XML, for third ones they should be obtained
> not from the file at all. Therefore for now I can only think of a direct
> initialization from code. Any other suggestions/opinions?
I would think that any program sufficiently large to warrant
configuration files (or another non-hardcoded configuration machanism)
probably already has one in place. And probably the worst thing you can
do to the person administrating the software is adding different
configuration methods. So I think the library should offer an API that
allows configuration, but leave the usage of this API up to the user.

One thing i would advise though is the possiblity to change these
paramters on the fly (which should be easy using an API). So that log
levels could be increased or decreased based on what is going on for


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