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From: Larry Evans (cppljevans_at_[hidden])
Date: 2007-04-06 06:30:39

On 04/04/2007 02:49 PM, Eric Niebler wrote:
> behaviors you want. For this, you write a domain-specific tree
> transformation by writing out your DSEL's grammar and attaching
> transforms to your grammar's rules.
> This is where proto::or_ and proto::and_ come in. Imagine in your DSEL,
> only terminals of type int and char* are allowed. Then you might define
> a Terminal rule in your grammar as follows:
> struct Terminal
> : proto::or_<
> proto::terminal<int>
> , proto::terminal<char*>
> >
> {};
> When you write your tree transform, you might want to attach some
> transformation to the Terminal rule to, for example, turn char* into
> spirit::string_parser, or whatever.

I'm still unclear about and_. I've looked at matches.hpp where
both or_ and and_ are defined and it looks like, as their names
suggest, that they are predicates of some sort. Now I can
understand how or_ works as you described above for defining
a grammar's terminals; however, I'm unclear about and_. Is an and_
instantiation a possible 2nd arg to matches and, in this case,
matches tests it's first argument to see that it satisfies both
arguments to the and_?

> Proto's meta-grammar facilities are good for more than just tree
> transformations, by the way. You can use them with proto::matches<> to
> make compile-time decisions based on the structure of an expression.

So matches<Expr,Grammar> tests Expr to see if it matches the
meta-grammar, Grammar? IOW, and_<X,Y> and or_<X,Y> are possible
values of Grammar in matches<Expr,Grammar>?

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