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From: Darren Garvey (lists.drrngrvy_at_[hidden])
Date: 2007-04-06 20:17:23

I entered a proposal in for the Summer of Code for what is essentially a CGI
library. The lack of comments on that have me wondering if Boost actually
wants a library like this and I realised I haven't even asked yet. This
isn't about my proposal whatsoever (honest); I just couldn't answer a few
questions myself so I'm asking here:
1) Boost is essentially about collecting libraries for possible inclusion in
a standard. Is CGI seen as too transient? In other words, do boosters feel
such a library belongs somewhere, just not in any standard?
2) Given how (controversial, but) 'simple' such a library is to construct,
is there a reason I can't find any mention of a CGI library ever being
submitted for review? Have people tried and been shot down earlier?
3) Do people feel that C++ 'just isn't any good for CGI'? I'd disagree, but
then of course I would. :)

If it's simply down to lack of submissions for pre/review, then that's fair
enough (and sorry for the noise). I'd just hate to think I'm building a
balcony on a sunken ship.


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