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From: Mathias Gaunard (mathias.gaunard_at_[hidden])
Date: 2007-04-08 20:12:49

Darren Garvey wrote:
> I entered a proposal in for the Summer of Code for what is essentially a CGI
> library. The lack of comments on that have me wondering if Boost actually
> wants a library like this and I realised I haven't even asked yet.

A "CGI library" doesn't mean much. If it's only providing code to better
interface with the CGI protocol, it shouldn't be much really. Just make
sure headers are sent and either provide the size of the content if you
can and use chunked encoding otherwise.

What's more interesting is to speak about a web library, or whatever you
want to call it. But for that, you need lots of features in a fully
fledged framework.

To begin with, Unicode and eventually support for other encodings would
be good.
XML also, even if its not used to generate the output document.

There is a lot of string management going on in web development, so
maybe new ways to handle strings more easily could be also interesting.

So basically I think work should be done of those building blocks first.

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