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From: Vladimir Prus (ghost_at_[hidden])
Date: 2007-08-04 01:41:05

Martin Wille wrote:

> Vladimir Prus wrote:
>> What is going to happen? It sounds like you've omitted some part of
>> your email.
> The message looks complete here.

Let me clarify -- the message goes like this:

> Now Joe User writes his app on the Fedora system and links Boost.DateTime
> using the familiar -lboost_date_time switch. He builds the app and
> tries it on both his Fedora system and the friend's Debian one. What is
> going to happen?
> BTW, ....

So either "What is going to happen?" is a question to recipients of the
email (and I don't know what exactly is being asked), or Domenico meant
do tell what is going to happen, but did not.

The only reason why said app won't work on one of the systems is possibly
binary incompatibility between gcc/libstdc++/libc, which is probably
not what's being discussed.

- Volodya

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