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From: Frank Birbacher (bloodymir.crap_at_[hidden])
Date: 2007-08-26 20:30:30


Michael Caisse schrieb:
> cd <your new checkout of the boost trunk>
> cd boost/system
> svn switch
> cd ../../libs/system
> svn switch

This way you won't keep track of which revision of the trunk you used
for developing your branch. I figured that one out when thinking about
the requirement to have places in your repository (trunk or branches or
tags) which can just be checked out, compiled, and which "just work".
This includes the state of other libraries, too:

1. copy part of trunk to branch
2. use mixed trunk and branch working dir for development
3. regularly update your trunk workdir
4. screw things up on the branch (by developing some feature)
5. try going back to a consistent state:
5a. update your branch to a previous state
5b. update your trunk to a previous state .....

which previous states of your branch and the trunk will work? Which ones
did you use? Did you create a mixed trunk/branch tag for this purpose?
So why not directly work on a full copy instead of mixing trunk and branch?

So I will prefer "full" branches: svn copy .../trunk .../branches/whatever


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