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From: Andrew Sutton (asutton_at_[hidden])
Date: 2007-08-30 22:07:19

>> An alternate idea might be to take these changes and any new
>> Boost.Graph algorithms in the vault as a single introduction. This
>> could include:
>> - the planar graph suite
>> - cycle ratio code
>> - floyd-warshall (new params)
> Planar graphs and the cycle ratio code are already in Subversion (?)

I just noticed that, and will retract the suggestion :)

> This is the kind of thing that we really, really, really wanted to do
> as part of the "Boost.Graph version 2". We'd also like to jettison
> the current BGL named parameters mechanism to use the parameter
> library, and also work to update the documentation from crusty old
> HTML to Quickbook (which I think the IBD project has started doing?).
> We have a few interface improvements and a bunch of bug fixes in the
> Parallel BGL that could also make their way into this branch...
> The big question, of course, is whether we can dedicate enough time
> to make this happen. I can spare a few cycles until mid-October,
> after which I hope my schedule will free up a bit to work on the BGL.

I'm more than willing to spend some serious time working on
Boost.Graph this semester - It won't be as much as I spent this
summer, but at least a couple days a week. Besides, the person
working on Boost docs for IBD was me.

Unfortunately, I've only taken a quick look at pBGL so I don't know
too much about it. Those improvements would have to be pointed out.

Andrew Sutton

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