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From: Jurko Gospodnetiæ (jurko.gospodnetic_at_[hidden])
Date: 2007-12-06 06:11:50


> <boost/cerrno.hpp> defines unique values for errno values missing on different
> systems. These (unique) values are high enough to not collide with the values in
> <errno.h>. I think, this is for completeness and I don't understand why you
> think that the missing values should not be defined at all.

   Ok, we found the problem and it was local to our environment. We were
using boost/cerrno.hpp from the boost 1.34.1 release by mistake which
did not define the preprocessor constants in question. Once we replaced
it with the one in the Boost ASIO 0.3.8 distribution (includes Boost
System) everything works fine.

   Thanks for the tip!

   Best regards,
     Jurko Gospodnetiæ

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