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From: Jeff Garland (jeff_at_[hidden])
Date: 2007-12-09 21:32:01

Michael Dickey wrote:
> Greetings,
> I've been working over the past 7+ months on a little library that
> uses Boost and ASIO to implement HTTP functionality. Originally I
> called this "libpion," then renamed it to the "Pion Network Library."
> I'm using it as piece of a larger open source project for complex
> event processing, which has taken on the overall "Pion" brand (hence
> the change).

Nice :-)

>...snip details...
> So.. I decided to throw all this out there and see what people think.
> Should Boost have its own HTTP library, or should it be part of an
> more comprehensive network protocol library?

Yes, it should have an HTTP library -- it would be nice if there were other
protocols, but not essential.

> Would it be better have
> something available sooner in Boost that works and is reliable, and
> try to resolve the overlap over time as cpp-netlib matures? Or, would
> it be better to wait and try to merge my library (or at least it's
> functionality) into cpp-netlib?

I think we need a first protocol library to lay the groundwork. Reviews and
interactions may lead to a set of standards for handling these sorts of
libraries. If http lib is closer to ready then I'd say take it thru the
process as that might influence the design of cpp-netlib. Of course, you can
take into account what the netlib folks are doing as well. I'd hope that
somehow we could avoid redoing the http work...


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