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From: John Maddock (john_at_[hidden])
Date: 2007-12-13 13:24:51

Matthias Schabel wrote:
> This code compiles using Intel ICC 10.1, but fails with "error:
> utility: No such file or directory in file included from /usr/local/
> include/boost/tr1/functional.hpp" under gcc :

> I don't think I'm doing anything blatantly stupid here...any ideas on
> what's going on?

Is this with Boost-1.34 ? If so there is a known bug (fixed in the Trunk,
and hense the next release), which strikes only if Boost-1.34 is installed
into an include path that appears *before* the gcc std lib include path.
Typically this happens if Boost is installed into /usr/include by your Linux

The only workaround if you want to stick with 1.34, is to place the 1.34
headers in a directory that isn't normally part of your include path, and
then add an explicit -I option to your command line so the headers are

HTH, John.

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