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From: Dave Steffen (dgsteffen_at_[hidden])
Date: 2007-12-18 17:02:12

On Tuesday 18 December 2007, Martin Bonner wrote:
> From: Andreas Harnack
> > If you think that this doesn't belong to the standard, then
> > please allow me to ask one question: Why is there a complex
> > number class in the standard and what does it actually do?
> There is rather less discussion about possible interfaces for complex
> numbers than for matrices. (The last time I used matrices in my code, I
> wanted A=B*C to mean A[i,j] = B[i,j]*C[i,j].)

  Interesting: that's a direct product, which we hardly ever use.
  This supports my statement up-thread that while matrices in general
  are well known and commonly used, getting any two people to agree on
  the interface is difficult, because people use them so differently.

  That statement is not true of complex numbers, which pretty much
  everyone uses the same way.

Dave Steffen - Software Engineer 4
Numerica Corporation ( <> ) 
Email: dave.steffen_at_[hidden]

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