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From: Phil Endecott (spam_from_boost_dev_at_[hidden])
Date: 2007-12-29 10:38:38

Dear Experts,

I have some code which currently uses a std::vector of pointers, and
I'm investigating whether I can make it more concise, exception-safe,
or otherwise better using a ptr_vector. But I can't see a good way to
replace the following code, which shifts part of the vector by one
place, deleting one pointee and creating a new one at the other end:

struct LargeThing { .... };
std::vector<LargeThing*> v;

void shift(int start, int end) {
   delete v[start];
   for (int i=start; i<end; ++i) { // or use a std::algorithm
   v[end] = new LargeThing;

With a ptr_vector, I think that I could do something like

struct LargeThing { .... };
boost::ptr_vector<LargeThing> v;

void shift(int start, int end) {
   v.release(v.begin()+start); // or should that be erase() ?
   v.insert(v.begin()+end-1, new LargeThing);

But this has complexity O(v.length()), because v.release() has to move
all elements beyond start, while my current code has complexity
O(end-start), because it doesn't touch the elements beyond end.

Is there some better way to accomplish this? Maybe transfer() can be
used? Or something involving swap()?

Thanks for any suggestions.


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