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Subject: Re: [boost] [RangeEx] Range & RangeEx
From: Robert Jones (robertgbjones_at_[hidden])
Date: 2008-09-12 08:41:38

On Fri, Sep 12, 2008 at 1:28 PM, Neil Groves <neil_at_[hidden]> wrote:
> This sort of thing should work, but of course it's missing closing
> parenthesis as posted.

So it is - no worries, that wasn't real code, just text in an email.

My ignorance is a little more basic I'm afraid, more to do with the
mechanics of 'installing' range_ex.

If I take the zip from the vault and unzip in the same directory as my
client code I end up with Range_Ex directory, and the path to range.hpp


whereas my client code has an include directive of

#include "boost/range.hpp"

so using a command line of

g++ -IRange_Ex mycode.cpp

doesn't find the range_ex range.hpp header.

Is this how I'm supposed to be doing it?

Thanks, Rob.

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