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Subject: Re: [boost] Support for Cell processor
From: Stefan Seefeld (seefeld_at_[hidden])
Date: 2008-10-13 18:16:53

Joel Falcou wrote:
> Several boost libraries compile without any problem on the cell BE
> processor in PPU and SPU mode like most of the preprocessor or
> meta-programming one.
> However, it's impossible to use any C++ code that include *any* part
> of std cause it makes the resulting binary too big for the spu linker.
> For some boost libraries, the std include is merely used for some
> optionnal display. For others, large parts of functionnalities is made
> useless.
> As I've been toying with this architecture for quite a bit now, I'm on
> the verge to patch my local boost with a way to detect compilation on
> Cell SPU and to remove inadequate include from some libraries.

While I very much agree with the goal of this proposal, I also believe
that boost is, for the most part, unsuitable for serious SPU code. I
have been writing Cell algorithms (mixed PPU and SPU) for the last year
and a half, and code-size was a serious issue. While we have been using
C++ on the SPU side, too, we were extremely careful not only not to use
the standard library, but also about whether to use templates, and
template instances.


      ...ich hab' noch einen Koffer in Berlin...

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