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Subject: [boost] [fusion] Quick start in doc - Something to modify ?
From: Alp Mestan (alp.boost-dev_at_[hidden])
Date: 2008-10-15 04:40:26

Hi Boosters,

I've been reading the Boost.Fusion documentation and I saw an "error" on the
Quick Start page :

The given code is :

#include <boost/fusion/sequence.hpp>
#include <boost/fusion/include/sequence.hpp>

// ...

vector <><int,
char, std::string> stuff(1, 'x', "howdy");
int i = at_c <><0>(stuff);
char ch = at_c <><1>(stuff);
std::string s = at_c

But this way we never get any vector.hpp included. (however I'm on the
svn version... maybe on 1.36 one of the sequence.hpp includes
vector... but I think it is rather the one in the container dir)

And I think such an error makes people let Fusion down, so here is a
"minimal" code that would have a much better effect, IMO, on fusion's
doc readers.

#include <boost/fusion/sequence.hpp> // for boost::fusion::at_c
#include <boost/fusion/include/vector.hpp> // for boost::fusion::vector

#include <iostream>
#include <string>

using namespace boost::fusion;

int main()
        vector<int, char, std::string> stuff(1, 'x', "howdy");
        int i = at_c<0>(stuff);
        char ch = at_c<1>(stuff);
        std::string s = at_c<2>(stuff);
        std::cout << "(" << i << "," << ch << "," << s << ")" << std::endl;
        return 0;

This way, they'd just have to copy, paste, compile & launch to see Fusion in
action, which would make them read the rest of the doc more happily.

Hope it helps.

Alp Mestan

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