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Subject: Re: [boost] "Is Boost Broken?". - post script
From: Johannes Brunen (JBrunen_at_[hidden])
Date: 2010-05-12 04:31:25

Hello Robert,

"Robert Ramey" <ramey_at_[hidden]> schrieb im Newsbeitrag
> Last night I gave my presentation "Is Boost Broken?". I just wanted to
> add a few observations now that I've had an opportunity to sleep on it.
> Those who are interested, can download the powerpoint presentation at
> . A
> large part of the content was really contained in the response from the
> participants which is not available. Someday there maybe a video in which
> you'll be able to appreciate my bombastic personal delivery.
Thank you for sharing these. A video would be great for those who can't
attend the BoostCon but would nevertheless participate.

I just did read the slides and I very much like your proposals, especially
the two phase review proposal. It would imho really a great advance.

Did I get it right that the testing should only cover the certified
libraries? What happens if one central library loses its certified status
and other libraries are depending on this one?

Should if also be possible to deploy all the accepted and not certified
libraries at once?

I would like to see the additional requirement that for getting the
acceptance status, a library should not only compile on two compiler
platforms but on the current major platforms (e.g. gcc and msvc [open for

Might it be neccessary to install a lifetime policy for the libraries
classified as accepted? I see the problem that libraries are written against
very old platforms and are practically unusable on current platforms.


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