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Subject: Re: [boost] Fw: [atomic] review results
From: Andrey Semashev (andrey.semashev_at_[hidden])
Date: 2011-11-08 16:22:53

On Tuesday, November 08, 2011 22:51:22 Peter Dimov wrote:
> The version of Boost is not the issue. The code that operates on the atomics
> is. The normal way is for the module that creates the lock-free data
> structure to provide out of line functions which the other modules would
> call. Inlining these creates the possibility of the modules to get out of
> sync with each other. For plugin-type DLL uses, this is basically
> guaranteed.

If in your case modules are separately built and there is a possibility of
code inconsistensies then surely inlining is a bad idea. But that doesn't mean
that inlining is generally a bad thing when multiple modules are involved.
Anyway, it's going slightly off-topic.

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