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Subject: Re: [boost] [build] is still broken
From: Niall Douglas (s_sourceforge_at_[hidden])
Date: 2013-10-21 19:47:14

On 21 Oct 2013 at 21:46, Vladimir Prus wrote:

> Well, I do have a Windows box, but last time I checked, there was a dozen of flavours
> of MinGW. Stephan, can you point at whatever packages needs to be downloaded to
> try?

Be aware that I found any Mingw after the one based on GCC 4.6.4 is
broken with Boost in various unhelpful ways (e.g. generating
assembler ops its assembler won't accept). In fact, of course, Mingw
with GCC 4.6 was also broken (e.g. <atomic> does not implement
actually atomic operations), but it had been around long enough
people had patched for it.

Mingw-w64 is absolutely fine though, and I very strongly recommend
its use over traditional Mingw. Mingw-w64 was so trouble free that it
just worked for me first time, which was quite a novel experience.


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