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Subject: [boost] Changes to trunk for clang using VC++RTL
From: Edward Diener (eldiener_at_[hidden])
Date: 2013-11-12 00:00:38

I have held off making some changes to trunk in SVN for clang with VC++
RTL until Boost 1.55 was out. I can do so now based on my tests with
clang but I am concerned that the changes will not be carried over to
the Boost git development branch when Boost switches to git. Should I be
waiting until the git changeover is made and everyone learns to deal
with git and the setup for using Boost with git, or should I start
making changes now and watch the regression tests cycle ?

I am sure from my tests that the changes, although involved in low-level
libraries like config, mpl, type_traits, will not adversely affect any
other compiler and will help in testing clang using VC++ RTL for Boost
as clang inches closer to full support in Windows using VC++ headers and

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