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Subject: [boost] [interprocess] file_mutex class proposal
From: mateusz janek (stryku2393_at_[hidden])
Date: 2018-03-04 11:42:53

Hello boost::interprocess community,

During my pet projects development I found that a file access
synchronization is a common problem so, I wrote a class that wraps it and
thought that it can be useful for wider community. I would like to ask you
what do you think about such functionality in boost::interprocess? I'm
aware that class from the repo is not ready to release. Just wanted to show
about what functionality I'm talking about.

Here you can find the repo:
You can find there the proposed class and a simple usage example.

If you will find it interesting I will prepare more formal merge proposal,
update docs, maybe more examples etc.

Looking forward to hearing from you what do you think about it.

Thank you,
Mateusz Janek

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