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Subject: [boost] [gsoc18] Mentor Search for Boost.Geometry idea
From: Tinko Bartels (tinkobartels_at_[hidden])
Date: 2018-03-15 23:11:15


my name is Tinko Bartels, I'm studying to get a Master's degree in
Mathematics at TU Berlin. I'm interested to work on Boost Geometry. I'm
working at the university for a couple of years on C++ projects that rely on
Boost libraries, most notably Boost.Geometry. Our work involves the
computation of exact covers of spaces with boxes. This motivated my idea to
add support to

void union_(Geometry1 const & geometry1, Geometry2 const & geometry2,
Collection & output_collection)
void sym_difference(Geometry1 const & geometry1, Geometry2 const &
geometry2, Collection & output_collection)
void difference(Geometry1 const & geometry1, Geometry2 const & geometry2,
Collection & output_collection)


Collection is a collection of boxes.

Since I have no merged contributions to open source projects to refer to, I
could, for example, provide an implementation of the difference method for
types adhering to the box concept and a collection of boxes as

Since the results of those operations in terms of exact covers of the
resulting space with boxes are not uniquely defined and the implementation
should take less than 3 months, additional strategies for these
specializations of the above algorithms could be added as future milestones.

If this endeavor is considered worthwhile by potential mentors, I would get
started on writing a proposal right away.

Kind regards,
Tinko Bartels

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