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Boost :

From: Adam C Getchell (acgetchell_at_[hidden])
Date: 2024-08-01 23:00:09

> On Aug 1, 2024, at 3:31 PM, boost-request_at_[hidden] wrote:
>> Here are what we believe to be the available options.
>> 1.
>> The C++ Alliance assumes control of the Boost assets, including the
>> domain name. The Boost Foundation becomes uninvolved in any
>> decisions related to the Boost Libraries.


My perspective is that I’d like to spend as much time possible writing code to solve scientific problems, rather than fighting with package managers, build systems, and bugs in libraries lacking maintainers to fix them.

As far as I can tell, except for the efforts of particular library authors and the C++ Alliance, Boost has been largely stagnant.

I support efforts to keep Boost and C++ relevant. Otherwise, folks like me will probably write new code in Rust rather than dealing with these issues.


P.S. To be fair, that ship has probably sailed for some of us. [1]


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