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From: david_at_2good (david_at_[hidden])
Date: 2002-08-14 08:47:02

I am using the free C++Builder Compiler version 5.5.1 for Win32.

I have used Boost 1.27 without problems, but when compiling the same
code with Boost 1.28 I get this error message for the compiler:

Error E2113 c:\borland\boost_1_28_0\boost/detail/shared_count.hpp 39:
Virtual function 'use_count_is_zero::what() const throw()' conflicts
with base class 'exception'

The class use_count_is_zero (new in Boost 1.28) inherits from
std::exception, and it seems like the method prototype for what() is
different in the Borland include files and Boost.


class use_count_is_zero: public std::exception

    virtual char const * what() const throw()
        return "use_count_is_zero";

Borland, who seem to use STL from Rogue Wave Software:

  class _RWSTDExport exception
    exception () _RWSTD_THROW_SPEC_NULL
    { ; }
    exception (const exception&) _RWSTD_THROW_SPEC_NULL
    { ; }
#if defined(_MSC_VER) && !defined(__BORLANDC__)
    exception (const char *s) _RWSTD_THROW_SPEC_NULL
    { ; }
    exception& operator= (const exception& e) _RWSTD_THROW_SPEC_NULL
    { return *this; }
    virtual ~exception () _RWSTD_THROW_SPEC_NULL;

    virtual const char * what () const _RWSTD_THROW_SPEC_NULL
      return __RWSTD::__rw_stdexcept_NoNamedException;

The content of _RWSTD_THROW_SPEC_NULL is set in the file stdcomp.h,
and it seems like it is empty for the Borland compiler, so I tried to
copy the declaration from Borland like below, but got the same error.

class use_count_is_zero: public std::exception

    virtual const char * what () const _RWSTD_THROW_SPEC_NULL
        return "use_count_is_zero";

Any suggestions?


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