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Boost Users :

From: Harry Georgakopoulos (hgeorgako_at_[hidden])
Date: 2005-12-06 10:06:48

I am having exactly the same problem as a previous user.
Could you please show me how you fixed your boost build? I'm getting the
following errors
...failed updating 120 targets
...skipped 80 targets...
...updated 847 targets...

I don't know how to open the vsvars32.bat file in order to change the paths
that Mr Kozicki suggested.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. I have installed the latest SDK.
Also, how do i get rid of the warnings? I know i need to define
_SCL_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE globally, but how do i do that exactly? Finally,
how do i know i have a correct build install? How do i test it?

Thank you

Please send your response to hgeorgako_at_[hidden]

harry g.

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