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From: me22 (me22.ca_at_[hidden])
Date: 2006-06-06 12:41:52

On 6/6/06, James Swift <james_at_[hidden]> wrote:
> Now assume I'm also very often constructing and destroying nodes. An
> object pool is an obvious optimisation to try out. However shared_ptr
> would need to call object_pool::destruct() instead of delete when it
> really wants to destroy the object. Or singleton_pool::free() but this
> causes more difficulties for me because I want to control the lifetime
> of the pool separately for each instance of my objects which are working
> on these trees.
shared_ptr can have a custom deleter, which might be exactly what you
need. It's fairly simple to create with Boost.Bind, too:
boost::bind( &object_pool::destruct, ref(the_pool), _1 )
( or similar, I'm not sure if those are exactly the right names and such )

~ SWMc

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