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From: Dennis Jones (djones_at_[hidden])
Date: 2007-04-30 11:55:43


I tried reporting this over in the .devel group, but it seems to have been
filtered out by the moderator, as it never got posted. However, I believe
this is a problem that needs to be addressed. Can someone else confirm

The build script for building bjam with a Borland compiler on Windows
assumes the compiler root folder to be C:\Borland\BCC55. Since my system
does not use the free command line Borland compiler (and thus does not use
the default path), I specified "borland" as my toolset on the command line:

c:> build.bat borland

This effectively disables the assumed path and attempts to determine the
actual path to the compiler. It successfully and correctly determines the
path to be "C:\Program Files\Borland\CBuilder5\," but the script
subsequently fails to build, giving the message:

[COMPILE] bin.ntx86\bjam.exe
Error E2194: Could not find file
Error E2194: Could not find file 'Files\Borland\CBuilder5\Bin\..\Lib.cpp'

Just prior to the error, the following is visible:

c:\source\3rdParty\boost\boost_1_34_0\tools\jam\src>.\bootstrap\jam0 -f
build.jam --toolset=borland "--toolset-root=C:\Program
Files\Borland\CBuilder5\Bin\..\ "

Indicating that a path containing spaces ("Program Files") apparently
confuses the script.

My solution to this problem was to create a path corresponding to the
assumed path (using linkd to create a junction-point so that I didn't have
to re-install the compiler!) and let the script guess which toolset to use.
Fortunately, it guesses correctly (borland as opposed to msvc) which results
in the assumed path of "c:\borland\bcc55" which then works, thanks to my

While I was able to get around this problem fairly easily, it probably would
have been more difficult if I were not using NTFS (and its support for
junction points). I'm not certain, but I would expect this to be a problem
for any compiler whose path contains a space -- or did I miss something that
is already well-known and/or obvious?

- Dennis

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