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From: Steven Watanabe (watanabesj_at_[hidden])
Date: 2008-07-31 22:38:03


Andrej van der Zee wrote:
> Hi,
> When (natively) linking on IBM AIX 5.3 after compiling with with gcc 4.2.4, I get the a bunch of link-warnings like below for many libraries. It seems that the reason is that inline function are linked externaly:
> I am not sure what is the right way to solve the issue:
> 1) Force compiler to staticaly inline

I don't like to force the compiler to behave in a way that is not
standard compliant. Or do you mean to force the compiler to
actually inline all inline functions? This is impossible for
virtual functions.

> 2) Add the native AIX linker option: -bhalt:5 to suppress the warning

This is dangerous, since it may suppress real diagnostics, but at least
it is unlikely to break correct code.

> 3) Explicitely declare inline functions static

This can violate the ODR. It is out of the question as far as I am

> For now, the first seems best to me. But I dont think there is such an option. Or is there?
> Any other solutions?

The linker ought not to be issuing a warning. I don't suppose there's a
way to make it shut up without also suppressing legitimate warnings, is

In Christ,
Steven Watanabe

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