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Subject: [Boost-users] Is there a boost equivalent of eastl::fixed_vector?
From: dariomt_at_[hidden]
Date: 2008-09-24 05:32:45

is something like SSO (Small String Optimization) applied to
std::vector (and other STL containers)

[begin quote]
"Fixed containers are fixed-size containers with their memory stored right
within the container itself. Fixed containers allocate no dynamic memory and
their memory tends to be cache-friendly due to its contiguity and proximity
to the container's housekeeping data. The user declares the max container
size as a template parameter, and can also specify that if the container
overflows that an auxiliary dynamic allocator is used.

template <typename T, size_t nodeCount, bool enableOverflow = true,
          typename Allocator overflowAllocator = EASTLAllocator>
class fixed_vector

[end quote]

I have tried a similar approach using some sort of
fixed_buffer_with_overflow allocator, with no success. I'm not sure SSO is
even possible just using an allocator with the standard containers, because
I always end up with stateful allocators.

So my question is if there is something similar already in boost.


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