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Subject: Re: [geometry] Adapting a model
From: Barend Gehrels (barend_at_[hidden])
Date: 2014-03-26 05:10:33


TONGARI J wrote On 26-3-2014 4:09:
> 2014-03-26 5:29 GMT+08:00 Barend Gehrels <barend_at_[hidden]
> <mailto:barend_at_[hidden]>>:
> Hi,
> Adam Wulkiewicz wrote On 25-3-2014 3:42:
> Hi,
> Please don't answer on some email from a different thread if
> you want to create another thread.
> -- Original message --
> Hello,
> I 'm looking to adapt a model for use with Boost.Geometry. To
> start off,
> I looked to get the intersects algorithm working with two
> linestrings -
> that fails due to six MPL assertions (unimplemented
> operation).(note
> that my model's linestring cannot be mutable - it should still be
> possible to use non-mutating algorithms on it?)
> To try to track what's going on, I opted to get it working
> with the
> example model adaptation instead; that fails to compile too,
> on line 934
> of get_turn_info.hpp:
> typename strategy::return_type result = strategy::apply(p1, q1);
> And I am afraid I cannot tell what is missing.
> (In short, I copied the example QPoint and QLineString
> adaptation and
> added a main() calling intersects() - this is what I tried to
> compile:
> Just one minor correction - changed QPoint::double to double
> because I
> assume that's the intention)
> Any clues would be appreciated,
> Albert
> -- End --
> According to this:
> the Linestring should behave like a range of Points.
> I don't know what was the intention that led to the example
> model adaptation but if you replace pointers to QPoint in your
> example with just a QPoint it compiles, almost.
> Almost, because apparently the Point's default ctor is
> required by Box's default ctor.
> Barend is default ctor a part of the Point Concept? Or should
> we think about some other way of default creation of
> Boxes/Segments/etc.?
> No, a point does not need to have a default constructor. It is not
> part of the concept. There is already a sort-of-constructing
> function in the library and that is boost::geometry::make,
> returning a point with specified coordinates.
> Doesn't geometry::make require the geometry default constructible?
> AFAIK, there's no such trait for point construction.

Yes, sorry I misread it. Mutable points should be constructible by
default, indeed. There is no trait for this.

Regards, Barend

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